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Five Tarot Spreads for Business Owners

Alright, let's talk about tarot spreads. No, they won't predict if your startup will become the next unicorn, but they can give you some pretty solid insights. Tbh, they are likely going to reinforce things you already know that you either don’t realize yet or things you are pretending to not know. I know what you are thinking- damn, she’s bold calling me out like that. But, its the truth. Sometimes I need to be called out too. and that’s where tarot comes in.

Here’s a guide to my top five tarot spreads for business owners:

1. Three-Card Spread

Purpose: Quick insights into past, present, and future influences.


Card 1 (Past): Reflects past influences or events affecting the current situation.

Card 2 (Present): Represents the current situation or challenges.

Card 3 (Future): Suggests possible outcomes or future influences.

How to Use: This spread is perfect for a quick overview of any business question. It helps identify where you've been, where you are, and where you might be headed.

2. Decision-Making Spread

Purpose: Weighing different options to make informed decisions.


Card 1 (Option A): Pros of the first option.

Card 2 (Option B): Pros of the second option.

Card 3 (Neither Option): Outcome if neither option is chosen.

Card 4 (Hidden Influences): Unseen factors affecting the decision.

Card 5 (Advice): Guidance on how to proceed.

How to Use: Use this spread when faced with a significant business decision, like launching a new product or choosing between potential partners.

3. Business Strategy Spread

Purpose: Comprehensive insights for strategic planning.


Card 1 (Current Situation): Where your business currently stands.

Card 2 (Challenges): Obstacles you might face.

Card 3 (Opportunities): Potential opportunities.

Card 4 (Best Course of Action): Recommended strategies or actions.

Card 5 (Outcome): Likely result of the chosen course.

How to Use: Ideal for quarterly or annual planning, this spread helps you strategize effectively by considering both challenges and opportunities.

4. SWOT Analysis Spread

Purpose: Assessing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.


Card 1 (Strengths): Internal strengths of your business.

Card 2 (Weaknesses): Internal weaknesses or areas for improvement.

Card 3 (Opportunities): External opportunities for growth.

Card 4 (Threats): External threats or challenges.

How to Use: Similar to a traditional SWOT analysis, this spread provides a balanced view of your business’s internal and external environment.

5. Project Planning Spread

Purpose: Detailed planning and execution for specific projects.


Card 1 (Objective): The goal or outcome of the project.

Card 2 (Resources Needed): Resources or skills required.

Card 3 (Action Steps): Key actions to take.

Card 4 (Potential Obstacles): Challenges to anticipate.

Card 5 (Success Indicator): Signs of project success.

How to Use: Use this spread for detailed planning of new projects or initiatives, ensuring you cover all necessary aspects from resources to potential obstacles.

How to Conduct a Tarot Reading

  1. Set Your Intention: Clearly define the question or area you seek insights on.

  2. Choose Your Spread: Select the spread that best matches your query.

  3. Shuffle and Draw: Focus on your intention as you shuffle the deck, then draw the cards and lay them out in the chosen spread.

  4. Interpret the Cards: Consider the symbolism and position of each card. Use a guidebook if needed, but trust your intuition.

  5. Reflect and Act: Reflect on the insights gained and how they apply to your situation. JOURNAL! Scribble! Call a friend.

Intuition in Business Strategy

Tarot spreads can seriously help business owners tackle challenges, break out of ruts, or beat imposter syndrome. By using these spreads in your decision-making process, you can gain deeper insights and confidently steer your business. In my coaching sessions, I've found that tarot often leads to breakthroughs that numbers alone miss. One client even found a new marketing angle after a tarot session.