The Power of Letting Go in Business

This week has been one of those weeks where the wins and the challenges come hand in hand, testing your patience, your boundaries, and, honestly, your sanity.

If I’ve learned anything from running a business while raising two kids, homeschooling, and trying to keep some semblance of balance, it’s that you can’t do it all. You can’t hold onto everything, and sometimes the right decision is also the hardest one.

The Hardest Part of My Week

The work was satisfying, but the emotions? Not so much.

I had to let go of a client this week. They were my last solo client- the one I worked with personally while Mike handled the rest of the load. I refunded half of their contract and stepped back. It was the right decision, but wow, it was hard.

I cried. I panicked. I felt like I was failing them, my business, and myself. But here’s what I’m learning: letting go isn’t failing. It’s making space.

For the past six months, I’ve been transitioning more client work to Mike. He’s brilliant at implementation- SEO, audits, keyword research, and blog writing- while I’ve been stepping into strategy and alignment. This week marked the final piece of that transition, and while it’s bittersweet, it’s also a huge relief.

Boundaries aren’t just good- they’re essential.

If You’re Feeling Overwhelmed, Try This Microdose of Marketing™️

We tell our clients this all the time: you don’t have to do everything right now. Just take one step.

Here’s a quick task you can do in 10 minutes to assess where your energy and time are going:

  • Make a list of your top three marketing activities (e.g., Instagram, email, blog writing).

  • Ask yourself: Which one is bringing in the most results? Which one feels like a total drain?

  • Choose one next step: double down on what’s working, or let go of what’s not.

Small steps add up. Whether it’s refining your priorities or repurposing your best content, progress doesn’t have to come from doing more- it comes from doing better.

Why This Week Matters for Swoco

Here’s what’s changing (and what’s staying the same):

  • Mike is officially in charge of client work. He’s handling the implementation and details, and he’s damn good at it.

  • We’re holding off on new clients until next year. Quality over quantity is how we roll.

  • For future clients: we’re not the team that takes on work just to check a box. If we say yes, it’s because we know we can deliver something meaningful and aligned with your goals.

To the clients we’re serving now, thank you for trusting us. And to the ones we’ll meet in 2024, we’re excited to build something incredible together.

If this blog resonates with you, here’s what I hope you take away:

  • It’s okay to struggle. It’s okay to let go. Boundaries and balance don’t just protect you—they protect the people you serve, too.

  • Running a business isn’t glamorous 24/7. We’re learning, evolving, and finding better ways to serve our clients.

  • That 10-minute microdose task? It’s a reminder that small steps lead to big change.


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